Monday, March 17, 2014

7 Fat-Burning Superfoods by Skinny Ms.

You can’t wish your way to a slimmer body,but you can choose nutritious foods that help you shed fat and feel terrific. A smart place to start is with superfoods. Now,let’s be honest. No food will magically melt away fat,no matter what marketers of miracle diets might claim. However,fat-burning superfoods work in a variety of ways to help you lose weight and keep it off. Some of these ingredients work by filling you with fiber,so that you feel satisfied longer and avoid unhealthy snack choices that load the body with salt or sugar. Other superfoods work by delivering the nutrients and the fuel that your body needs to burn fat and calories more efficiently.

Superfoods should be part of a lifestyle that includes both healthy eating and regular exercise. Making a commitment to work out ensures that you’re building muscle tissue,which burns more calories than fat tissue, and getting rid of excess calories.

7 Fat Burning Superfoods
1. Apples - This is a top slim-down superfood because it contains pectin, a substance that prevents cells from absorbing fat. Apples are also packed with fiber,which helps you feel full, so that you’re less likely to experience the salty or sweet snack cravings that will sabotage your plans to slink into your new skinny jeans. Enjoy a fresh apple at snack time.

2. Beans - These weight loss foods are perfect for losing weight and keeping it off. Beans are high in protein,which strengthens the muscles that boost metabolism,and fiber, which prevents blood sugar levels from spiking and crashing. Just one cup packs about half of the fiber you need each day.
3. Salmon - When you need a fat-burning meal,add salmon to the menu plan. It’s a source of lean protein,which provides fuel without unhealthy fats. Choose wild salmon,which is rich in the omega-3 fatty acids that produce leptin,the body’s natural appetite suppressant.

4. Eggs - Packed with protein,plus all nine essential amino acids,eggs are a smart food to incorporate into fat-burning meals. One study found that people who ate two eggs for breakfast each day had a lower BMI and greater weight loss after eight weeks than those who ate a bagel. Enjoy a hard-boiled egg with breakfast.

5. Greek Yogurt - With more protein power than typical yogurt,this variety fills the stomach and feeds calorie-burning muscles. It also has calcium,an important nutrient that keeps bones healthy enough for exercise.
6. Edamame - These mild-tasting soybean pods will fill you and fuel you. Just a half cup of shelled edamame delivers nine grams of fiber and 11 grams of protein. Try these tasty tidbits as a snack,or sprinkle them onto a healthy salad.
7. Whole Grains - From oatmeal to quinoa to brown rice,the body burns twice as many calories when digesting whole grains as it does while digesting processed foods,like white breads and pastries.

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