Sunday, March 30, 2014

How to Raise Blood Platelet Level Naturally Edited by Maniac, Dreamboy, BR, At home user and 11 others on Wiki How

Recently someone close to me said that her platelet count was low and her doctor was concerned with that and was taking measures to correct it. However she asked me to research what she could do to be proactive and contribute to resolving this problem herself. This is the information I found:
If you suffer from low blood platelet amounts, you may be putting your body at risk if you have a cut or a break in your skin. Platelets are the tiny cells that help to form a clot in your blood, thus stopping the cut from bleeding. Each platelet sticks to another platelet as well as the damaged blood vessel's wall, which forms a clot. A normal platelet amount is anywhere from 150,000 to 450,000 units per cubic millimeter of blood. If you have a sufficient number of platelets, you are at a lower risk of hemorrhaging. Although there are pills, and medications you can take and procedures you can undergo, you can also learn how to raise blood platelet level naturally.
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1. Consume the correct types of food. Try to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, and organic options are better for you and your platelet count. Berries, green leafy vegetables, oranges, tomatoes and kiwis can help increase your platelet levels.
Stay away from specific unhealthy foods. These foods include processed foods, refined sugars, and junk food. Also stay away from alcohol and caffeinated beverages. Partaking in these foods and drinks can cause your platelet count to drop even further because they may hamper production by the bone marrow.
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2. Ingest foods that contain omega-3 fatty acid. Examples of these types of food include fish, free-range eggs, flax seed oil, tuna, and wild salmon. Omega-3 fatty acid foods boost your immune system and can naturally increase your platelet level count.
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3. Ingest vitamin and mineral supplements. This is an ideal option if you don't care for specific fruits or vegetables.
Take 1,000 IU of vitamin C daily. This vitamin is water soluble, so it is absorbed into the body immediately. This supplement works to strengthen your immune system and can boost your platelet count naturally.
Drink bitter extract from papaya leaves. Purchase 2 leaves, mash them with a mortar, and drink the extract. Two leaves should yield 2 tbsp. of extract.
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4. Drink warm-temperature water. Cold water can slow down your digestive tract, which can impact your body's way to absorb nutrients. Blood cells are made of water and protein, so if you drink more water, you will produce more blood cells.
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5. Obtain enough sleep and rest. Try to get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night. The rest can help your body to recharge and produce more platelets.
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6. Exercise. Perform strength-training exercises and cardiovascular workouts to help the blood flow within your body. These exercises can increase your body's immune system. Avoid contact sports because injuries can result in bleeding.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

7 FOODS YOU SHOULD BE EATING IN YOUR 30S by Kayla Stewart at All Women Stalk

7 FOODS YOU SHOULD BE EATING IN YOUR 30S  Life for most women in their 30s is busy, so it can be hard to know what foods you should be eating. Your body no longer needs the same foods it once did. The days of living on junk food alone are over. With career demands, children, and social activities, your body now needs foods that will boost your energy and fight off diseases. Here are some suggested foods you should be eating.
Life for most women in their 30s is busy, so it can be hard to know what foods you should be eating. Your body no longer needs the same foods it once did. The days of living on junk food alone are over. With career demands, children, and social activities, your body now needs foods that will boost your energy and fight off diseases. Here are some suggested foods you should be eating.
7 FOODS YOU SHOULD BE EATING IN YOUR 30S  1.Fish is a food that we should eat on a regular basis, and is definitely one of the foods you should be eating in your 30s. This low fat, high protein food helps fight off many diseases, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Fish can be prepared several different ways. You can bake it, boil it, grill it, or fry it. You can even put it in soups and stews.
Fish is a food that we should eat on a regular basis, and is definitely one of the foods you should be eating in your 30s. This low fat, high protein food helps fight off many diseases, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Fish can be prepared several different ways. You can bake it, boil it, grill it, or fry it. You can even put it in soups and stews.
7 FOODS YOU SHOULD BE EATING IN YOUR 30S    2. Beans are one of the cheapest foods you can buy. You can get a can for less than $1 at most grocery stores. Beans can be cooked or eaten right out of the can, if you like. This high fiber food is a great source of protein, vitamins and minerals. Surprisingly, beans are a cholesterol free food.
Beans are one of the cheapest foods you can buy. You can get a can for less than $1 at most grocery stores. Beans can be cooked or eaten right out of the can, if you like. This high fiber food is a great source of protein, vitamins and minerals. Surprisingly, beans are a cholesterol free food.

7 FOODS YOU SHOULD BE EATING IN YOUR 30S 3. Leafy Green Veggies This is one food that you can defiantly indulge in. Greens are super low calorie and have a ton of health benefits. They are packed with fiber, vitamins, and nutrients. Greens can be eaten as a side dish or in salads. They make an awesome addition to your smoothies and to your soups. If you want to stay strong like Popeye, be sure to make greens a part of your life.

Leafy Green Veggies This is one food that you can defiantly indulge in. Greens are super low calorie and have a ton of health benefits. They are packed with fiber, vitamins, and nutrients. Greens can be eaten as a side dish or in salads. They make an awesome addition to your smoothies and to your soups. If you want to stay strong like Popeye, be sure to make greens a part of your life.
7 FOODS YOU SHOULD BE EATING IN YOUR 30S 4. Greek Yogurt I have recently started eating Greek yogurt and I have to say that I love it.The rich, creamy texture is simply amazing. Greek yogurt is an excellent source of protein, Vitamin B, potassium, and calcium. It can be eaten alone or in cereal. I like to put my mine in the freezer for a few minutes and have it instead of ice cream.
Greek Yogurt I have recently started eating Greek yogurt and I have to say that I love it.The rich, creamy texture is simply amazing. Greek yogurt is an excellent source of protein, Vitamin B, potassium, and calcium. It can be eaten alone or in cereal. I like to put my mine in the freezer for a few minutes and have it instead of ice cream.

7 FOODS YOU SHOULD BE EATING IN YOUR 30S 5. Eggs often get a bad name because of the amount of cholesterol they have in them. While it isn't good to eat 6 eggs a day, having them a few times a week has many health benefits. Eggs are a great source of protein and only contain about 70 calories each. They can be scrambled, boiled, poached, or fried. Boiled eggs are a great addition to your lunch, since they stay good for at least a week.
Eggs often get a bad name because of the amount of cholesterol they have in them. While it isn't good to eat 6 eggs a day, having them a few times a week has many health benefits. Eggs are a great source of protein and only contain about 70 calories each. They can be scrambled, boiled, poached, or fried. Boiled eggs are a great addition to your lunch, since they stay good for at least a week.
7 FOODS YOU SHOULD BE EATING IN YOUR 30S 6. Nuts are a great heart healthy snack. They are fairly cheap and can be stored just about anywhere. Nuts contain many vitamins and nutrients such as fiber, vitamin E and omega-3. Including them as part of your diet can help prevent heart disease and lower your cholesterol. Nuts are high calorie, so portion control is a must.
Nuts are a great heart healthy snack. They are fairly cheap and can be stored just about anywhere. Nuts contain many vitamins and nutrients such as fiber, vitamin E and omega-3. Including them as part of your diet can help prevent heart disease and lower your cholesterol. Nuts are high calorie, so portion control is a must.

7 FOODS YOU SHOULD BE EATING IN YOUR 30S 7. Water Technically water is not a food, but it is essential nutrient that is needed at any age. For me drinking an adequate amount of water is something that I have always struggled with. Water helps energize our muscles and keeps us feeling fuller. It also keeps you hydrated and keeps your skin looking healthy. If you don't like water, consider adding a lemon or lime to it. No sweetener, just lemon,lime,ginger something along those lines.
Water Technically water is not a food, but it is essential nutrient that is needed at any age. For me drinking an adequate amount of water is something that I have always struggled with. Water helps energize our muscles and keeps us feeling fuller. It also keeps you hydrated and keeps your skin looking healthy. If you don't like water, consider adding a lemon or lime to it. No sweetener, just lemon,lime,ginger something along those lines.

14 Foods To Keep Your Kidneys Healthy by Jayshree Bhagat on Style Craze

foods to keep your kidneys healthy

How many times have we heard the advice ‘consume a balanced diet for good and healthy life’? And how many times have we chosen to simply ignore it? We worry endlessly about our outer beauty but overlook inner health. Keeping our kidneys healthy is vital for our overall well-being. Kidney problems can trigger bigger and more serious cardiovascular diseases in the body. Fortunately, there are certain super foods that help in keeping the kidneys in good shape. These super foods contain antioxidants that cure chronic kidney disease.

1. Red Bell Peppers:

red bell pepper
Red bell peppers are good for kidney health as they are low in potassium. They also add color and taste to the dish, along with vitamins C, B6, A, folic acid and fiber. Red bell peppers contain the antioxidant lycopene that helps to protect against some types of cancer. We can add red bell peppers with tuna, chicken salad or just eat raw.

2. Cabbage:

cabbage recipes
Cabbage is a cruciferous vegetable that is packed with phytochemical. This is useful in breaking the free radicals in the body, thus reducing the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
This is the best inexpensive, easily available vegetable that you can add to your eating plan. Cabbage contains vitamins K and C, fiber, vitamin B6 and folic acid that aids in keeping the kidneys healthy.

3. Cauliflower:

Cauliflower is a kidney-friendly cruciferous super food that is a rich source of vitamin C, folate and fiber. It also contains some compounds that are important for the liver and neutralizes toxic substances in the body. Cauliflower can be consumed raw, with a dip or as a salad. We can also steam or boil them for a side dish.

4. Garlic:

Garlic helps in reducing inflammation and cholesterol in the body. It contains antioxidant and anti-clotting properties, which help keep the kidneys working at their optimum. Garlic is used in numerous dishes including meat, vegetables, fish, and tomato sauce.

5. Onions:

Onion is a popular seasoning food. It contains flavonoids and quercetin that prevents the deposition of fatty material in the blood vessels. Quercetin is an antioxidant that can reduce heart diseases and the risk of cancer. Onions are kidney-friendly and low in potassium. They also contain chromium that helps to metabolizes fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

6. Apples:

An apple is a rich source of fiber with anti-inflammatory properties. It helps in the reduction of bad cholesterol, constipation, heart disease and cancer. Apples are renal-friendly and can be eaten raw or cooked. We can also turn this beautiful red fruit into a tasty beverage.
7. Cranberries:
Cranberries help in preventing urinary tract infections. They tend to make your urine more acidic and keep bacteria away from the bladder. They can also be used to prevent cancer and heart disease.

8. Blueberries:

Blueberries are packed with anthocyanidins, an antioxidant that helps to cleanse the body of toxins. Blueberries have high nutrition value that can help to reduce inflammation. They also contain vitamin C, fiber, manganese. Blueberries work wonders for our bones too.

9. Raspberries:

Raspberries have ellagic acid that neutralizes the harmful free radicals in the human body. They are red in color and contain anthocyanins, fiber, vitamin C, manganese, folate, Raspberries are helpful in preventing cancer cell growth.

10. Strawberries:

Mashed strawberries
Strawberries are a rich source of antioxidants, vitamin C, manganese and fiber. They contain anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties and are a good choice for a healthy heart and kidney.

11. Cherries:

Cherries are a rich source of antioxidants and phytochemicals that help in protecting your heart and kidney. Consuming them daily helps in reducing inflammation in the body, specially the kidney.

12. Egg Whites:

Egg Whites
Egg whites are the purest and highest quality protein available. They also contain vital amino acids and are low in phosphorus that makes them kidney-friendly.
13. Fish:
Fish is a high-quality source of protein and consuming them two or three times in a week is advisable. Fish also contains omega-3s that can prevent cancer and heart diseases. They are also useful to lower LDL (the bad cholesterol) and increase HDL (the good cholesterol).

14. Olive Oil:

Olive Oil
Olive oil helps to lower cancer and heart disease. Olive oil contains oleic acid that helps to protect against oxidation, polyphenols and antioxidant compounds to reduce inflammation and oxidation and goes a long way in keeping your kidneys healthy.

Once we start to look at our body as a whole, instead of focusing on external beauty, we will feel and look amazing. Keeping our kidneys healthy is vital to live a happy, disease free life. Hope this list of food for kidney will help you do just that! Do leave us a comment.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Acupuncture By Mayo Clinic Staff

Acupuncture involves the insertion of extremely thin needles through your skin at strategic points on your body. A key component of Traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is most commonly used to treat pain.
Traditional Chinese medicine explains acupuncture as a technique for balancing the flow of energy or life force — known as qi or chi (CHEE) — believed to flow through pathways (meridians) in your body. By inserting needles into specific points along these meridians, acupuncture practitioners believe that your energy flow will re-balance.
In contrast, many Western practitioners view the acupuncture points as places to stimulate nerves, muscles and connective tissue. This stimulation appears to boost the activity of your body's natural painkillers and increase blood flow.

You may try acupuncture for symptomatic relief of a variety of diseases and conditions, including:
  • Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Headaches
  • Labor pain
  • Low back pain
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Migraines
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Dental pain
  • Tennis elbow
  • Weight Loss
  • Infertility

The risks of acupuncture are low if you have a competent, certified acupuncture practitioner. Possible side effects and complications include:
  • Soreness. After acupuncture, you might have soreness, minor bleeding or bruising at the needle sites
  • Organ injury. If the needles are pushed in too deeply, they could puncture an internal organ — particularly the lungs. This is an extremely rare complication in the hands of an experienced practitioner.
  • Infections. Licensed acupuncturists are required to use sterile, disposable needles. A reused needle could expose you to diseases such as hepatitis.
Not everyone is a good candidate for acupuncture or for particular types of acupuncture. Conditions that may increase your risks of complications include:
  • Bleeding disorders. Your chances of bleeding or bruising from the needles increase if you have a bleeding disorder or if you're taking blood thinners such as warfarin (Coumadin).
  • Having a pacemaker. Some types of acupuncture involve applying mild electrical pulses to the needles, which can interfere with a pacemaker's operation.
  • Being pregnant. Some types of acupuncture procedures are not safe during pregnancy. 

No special preparation is required before acupuncture treatment.

Choosing a practitioner

If you're considering acupuncture, do the same things you would do if you were choosing a doctor:
  • Ask people you trust for recommendations.
  • Check the practitioner's training and credentials. Most states require that non physician acupuncturists pass an exam conducted by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.
  • Interview the practitioner. Ask what's involved in the treatment, how likely it is to help your condition and how much it will cost.
  • Find out whether the expense is covered by your insurance.
Don't be afraid to tell your doctor you're considering acupuncture. He or she may be able to tell you about the success rate of using acupuncture for your condition or recommend an acupuncture practitioner for you to try.

I'm planning to be treated for some health issues that I have been experiencing with acupuncture and some other alternative medical procedures. So, I did some research about it and wanted to share it with you. I hope that this was helpful.